The "MINT subjects" (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology) represent a special challenge for new immigrants and are essential for successful vocational training. Early school leaving and/or a lack of training capacity carry the risk of blocking the future chances of the newly immigrated young people and thus a successful integration into German society.
The offer takes place at 5 different locations (Engstingen, Münsingen, Reutlingen, Trochtelfingen, Unterhausen) in the region of Ulm. A total of 6 student groups were formed for the "MINT learning support". Twice a week in the afternoon the students receive support in their study groups. In addition, they are individually supervised by a mentor if required.
Further information on BBQ Reutlingen can be found here:
>> BBQ Reutlingen
IBAN: DE08 6305 0000 0021 2360 35
Sparkasse Ulm
Reference: „Project name"
We will return any donation by a written confirmation.