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Yes we can! in Halle/Magdeburg, Germany

Halle/Magdeburg, Germany | Juli 2016 - December 2020 | terre des hommes
The Beurer-Foundation is supporting the project Yes we can! in Halle/Magdeburg together with terre des hommes. The current project results from the predecessor project 2-Weltenmeister and was adapted to the changed needs. The project is overseen by the Pyschosocial Centre for Migrants (PSZ) in Sachsen-Anhalt which takes care of children and young people aged between 5 and 27 from a refugee or migrant background.
2Weltenmeister Projekt der Beurer-Stiftung
These children are affected by psychological disorders caused by the traumatic events in their past or live with parents suffering from mental illness. PSZ provides the families with psychotherapeutic support and encourages integration.
  • Yes we can
  • 2WeltenMeister
  • Yes we can
  • 2WeltenMeister
  • 2WeltenMeister
  • 2Weltenmeister Projekt der Beurer-Stiftung
  • 2Weltenmeister Projekt der Beurer-Stiftung
  • Terre des Hommes
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Sparkasse Ulm
Reference: „Project name"

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